Adult Literacy

In a country of 90 million older persons, 33% live below the poverty line, 90% are from the unorganized sector with no social security, and 73% are illiterate & dependent on physical labor. In account to this, Adult Literacy Program focuses on basic education for underprivileged illiterate adults. We believe that whether you are addressing healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment or human rights, there's no better place to start than in the corridors of education. Education empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and increases one's awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behavior to understanding one's rights - and in the process evolve as a better citizen.
- Adult Literacy Programs were conducted in the following areas of Chennai; Model Lane, Aasirvathapuram, BRN Garden, ValluvarNagar, Clibattery, Pencil Factory, Bojaraja Nagar, Kasimedu, West and East Cemetry Road Housing Board Old Washermenpet, & Korrukupet.
Education Support
Education is a fundamental human right and is the touchstone for every individual. Children are our future. We, therefore, help children in our underprivileged community by enrolling them in good schools/colleges, raising sponsorship to pay their tuition fees, uniforms, notebooks, transport, etc.
- We met Kumar & Santosh on the road. Kumar dropped out after his dad passed away three years ago. He successfully ran away, jumped over high gates and escaped from a children's home. After much counselling he is going back to school now. We are so excited. His little brother Santosh has never been to school so he is pretty stoked. His mum works all day while they take care of themselves and each other. So we decided to take them out shopping. Guess who went to school the next day? Little Santosh announced to his entire neighbourhood out loud that he is going to school and waved bye with a big grin. "Anna naan school-ku poren! Maama naan school ku poren.(Brother, Uncle, I’m going to school)" A year later, he can read and write and he wants to be the first one to answer all the questions and wants all the prizes in a Summer Camp that was conducted by Jeevaratchanai for children.

Modern Boys Club

The youth comprises over 22% of the Indian population which in turn constitutes a major part of the labour force of the country. But most children from the underprivileged community grow up without education and several other youngsters are unemployed after passing out of college. This causes many youngsters to join rowdism. This national level programme, Modern Boys Club, therefore, was formed in several areas to completely eradicate rowdism and educate and equip the urban underprivileged adolescent youth in English proficiency, basic computer literacy, area cleanliness, traffic rules and regulations, sports activities, and soft skills for self-development and also for enhancing their prospects of employment in the fast expanding corporate sectors. The well-being of not only these young boys but also their family and friends was deliberated.
- Modern Police Boys Club was formed in Old Washermenpet, West Cemetery Road in Tamil Nadu slum clearance housing board as it was the main area concerned with rowdism. The Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. Mouriya inaugurated the boys club and gave his valuable suggestions and advice to the youngsters present there along with Mr. S. Senthilkumaran, The Inspector of Police, H1 Old Washermenpet.